Data and Analysis Unit: EXE1
Last update: 2014-10-07 by Andy Wills
Triad classification experiment first reported by
Milton, Longmore, Wills (2008), Experiment 5.
Subsequently re-analysed by Wills, Inkster, Milton (2015).
This DAU contains stimulus image files, raw data, and an analysis script, all in open
cross-platform formats (see the file format notes).
- exe1stim.tbz (15 KB) - Stimulus image files.
- exe1data.txt (134 KB) - Trial-level raw data. Column headings are as follows:
- cond: Experimental condition (expressed as stimulus presentation time in milliseconds)
- subj: Participant ID (unqiue within each condition of EXE1)
- trial: Trial number
- triad: ID of presented stimulus triad (see exe1code.txt)
- resp: Participant's response ( 1 = top , 2 = left, 3 = right )
- rt: Reaction time in milliseconds
- exe1analysis.R R script for all analyses
reported in Wills, Inkster, Milton (2015).
- exe1code.txt (1 KB) - The main purpose of this file is to facilitate
automated analysis of exe1data.txt by exe1analysis.R. Column headings
are as follows:
- triad: Triad ID (as used in exe1data.txt)
- triplet: Triplet ID. Any given stimulus triplet can be presented in six different ways
(three stimuli can be placed in three physical locations in six different ways). Hence,
there are six different stimulus triad IDs for each triplet ID.
- type: Type 1 or Type 2 triad (not used).
- ident.dim: The stimulus dimension on which two members of the triplet match identically
(1 = hull, 2 = sail)
- top1: Stimulus ID for stimulus presented at the top of the triad.
Stimulus ID is a two-digit co-ordinate code in arbitrary units. For example
Stimulus ID 25 indicates a value of 2 on the hull dimension and a value of 5
on the sail dimension. Larger values on the hull dimension are associated
with increasing width of the bottom of the hull. Larger values on the sail
dimension are associated with increasing width of the bottom of the sail.
The mapping between these stimulus IDs and the stimulus numbers in
Figure 5 of Milton, Longmore, Wills (2008), and the numbering of the
graphic files in this archive, are as follows:
1 = 16, 2 = 66, 3 = 25, 4 = 55, 5 = 22, 6 = 52, 7 = 11, 8 = 16
- left2: Stimulus ID for stimulus presented at the left of the triad.
- right3: Stimulus ID for stimulus presented at the right of the triad.
- hull: Response expected if classifying on the basis of hull width
( 1 = top , 2 = left, 3 = right )
- sail: Response expected if classifying on the basis of sail width
- os: Response expected if classifying on the basis of overall similarity
- ident: Response expected if classifying on the basis of the identical attribute.