
Formal Psychological Models of Categorization and Learning

View the Project on GitHub ajwills72/catlearn

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Catlearn is an archive of formal models of categorization and associative learning in psychology.

Getting started

Some introductory materials on catlearn:


Installation instructions are here.

Current contents

The latest stable version of catlearn contains the following:


Category learning

Contingency learning


Simulations of several dataset-model combinations (e.g. krus96exit is a simulation of the krus96 dataset with the slpEXIT model). In some cases:

Inverse base-rate effect (krus96)

Stimulus frequency effect (nosof88)

Type I-VI problems (nosof94)

Category size (shin92)

Support functions

Contribute to catlearn

If you’d like to contribute to this project by adding models, datasets, or simulations to the catlearn package, contact Andy Wills.

Invite us to give a talk or workshop

The Catlearn Research Group are keen to talk about the catlearn project to any interested party (academic or non-academic). Why not invite us to give a talk or run a workshop where you are? We do not charge an appearance fee, but if you would like us to be physically present (at an appropriate social distance), we would prefer it if you were able to reimburse our travel expenses, including accommodation.

The Catlearn Research Group are based in the United Kingdom, Plymouth University


We aim to release version 1.1 to CRAN by 26th March 2025.

Contributions of working, tested, Rd-documented code are welcome for consideration at any time. Where code is ready for inclusion into catlearn, it will first be released to the community as an unstable point release of catlearn on github. On 12th March 2024, the latest unstable release on github will be used to check and build stable version 1.1 for release to CRAN.


Dates of CRAN releases, along with email-list announcements (from 0.7.2, see CHANGELOG for more detail of changes):



The catlearn logo image credit: Elouise Wills. Creative Commons License