Evaluating risk
Andy J. Wills
In this lecture, we discussed how to evaluate risk.
Sally Clark
Sally Clark was a real person, and her tragic case is a classic example of an ‘expert’ getting risk evaluation wrong. Sally Clark was a 31 year-old solicitor. Her first child died at 11 weeks. One year later, her second child died at 8 weeks. There was little to no forensic evidence, and no evidence she had been a violent or uncaring parent.
Sally was convicted of the murder of her children, and spent three years in prison. Central to her conviction was the evidence of expert witness Prof. Roy Meadows. He argued that the probability of two cot deaths in the same family was 1 in 73 million; less than once a century in the UK.
Sally was released on appeal, partly because Prof. Meadows’s risk evaluation was demonstrably wrong.
We’ll return to Sally Clark’s case right at the end of the lecture, at which point we’ll have covered enough of the key ideas in risk evaluation to see how and why Roy Meadows was wrong.
Risk and smoking
We started our discussion of the evaluation of risk with the well-known cigarette packet warning “Smoking kills”. The warning itself - taken literally - must be wrong. It’s true that the probability of death, given you smoke, is 1. However, the probability of death, given you do not smoke, is also 1. So, your probability of death is unrelated to whether you smoke. The daft wording of the warning makes the not uncommon defence: “We all gotta die of something” entirely reasonable.
Smokers die younger?
Perhaps a more sensible statement would be “smokers die younger”? A not uncommon response to this claim is along the lines of “I knew a lady who smoked every day, and she lived until she was 93”.
This counter-argument, although often ridiculed, is also reasonable if one reads the warning as deterministic. In other words, ALL smokers die younger than ALL non-smokers. If that were the argument, the counter-argument would disprove it, because we know lots of people don’t make it to 93.
So, “smokers die younger” is still ambiguous. Better would be something like:
“On average, smokers die younger”
Odds ratio
To be more specific, about 20% of smokers die before they are 60 years old (Doll et al., 2004). In contrast, about 10% of nonsmokers die before they are 60 (Doll et al., 2004). We can use these two numbers to calculate an odds ratio (OR). In this case the OR = 20/10 = 2. So smoking doubles the risk of dying before sixty.
Life is risky
Faced with this kind of statistic, one common response from smokers is along the lines of “Yeah, but you could give up smoking and then get hit by a bus”. When people say things like this, I think they’re probably saying:
Many activities have some level of risk.
It is impossible to avoid all risk.
So everything has to be a risk-benefit analysis otherwise you’d never do anything.
This is correct - life is a risk-benefit analysis. The benefits here are somewhat subjective - what are the benefits of being a smoker? Or a car driver? But odds ratio can help quantify and compare risk.
More on odds ratio
Tobacco smoking is the cause of death for about 18% of people, while accidents involving a motor vehicle are the cause of death for about 0.2% of people read more. This gives us an odds ratio of 18/0.2 = 90 — smoking is 90 times more likely to kill you than a motor vehicle (much more than that, actually, because these figures are from the USA, where only a minority smoke, but most adults drive regularly).
A common response to this kind of calculation is:
“I am an individual, not a statistic!”
Quite right! These are samples across large numbers of people. They do not determine your future cause of death.
But, risk calculations should inform our decisions. For example, if you play Russian Roulette once, the probability you die is 1/6 = 0.17. Of course, after you have played, you are either dead, or you aren’t. But now imagine playing inverse Russian roulette (five bullets) once. Your probability of death in this case is 5/6 = 0.83. After you have played, you are either dead or not dead. If you had to choose between the games, which would you pick?
The odds ratio here is .83/.17 = 5.
Basics of probability
Probability (by the simplest objective definition) is that property which allows us to calculate the frequency of an event in a very long run of events. For example, if you flip a fair coin 1000 times, you get close to 500 heads. The more times you flip the more heads divided by flips tends towards 0.5. In class, we went through a few examples to illustrate these ideas.
The Monty Hall problem
The Monty Hall problem is a classic demonstration of how easy it is to get probability calculations wrong (professional mathematicians often get this problem wrong!). The Monty Hall problem concerns a real game show. In this game show (hosted by Monty Hall), you’re given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You want to win the car. You pick a door, say No. 1, and the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to switch to door No. 2, or stick with door No. 1?”.
Is it to your advantage to switch your choice? Most people say it doesn’t matter whether you switch or not, but they are wrong. The thing that people often miss is that the host is never going to open the door with the car behind it (because then the game would be trivially easy to win).
Armed with this piece of information, notice that on two-thirds of the occasions, you will have first picked a door with a goat behind it (because 2/3rds of doors have a goat behind them). The host then is forced to open the door with the other goat behind it. So, the car is behind the unopened door. If you switch, you will win the car.
Of course, on one-third of occasions, your first choice of door will have the car behind it. If you switch, you will not win the car. So, on two-thirds of the occasions, you will win the car if you switch. So, you should always switch.
Statistical independence
Statistical independence is one of the most frequently misunderstood concepts in critical thinking, and getting it wrong can have tragic consequences, as we’ll see later. First, we need to define the term conditional probability.
A conditional probability is the probability of some event, given that some other event is known to have occurred. For example, the conditional probability your fair coin lands ‘heads’, given you got heads last time is 0.5. Similarly, the conditional probability it lands ‘heads’, given you got tails last time, is also 0.5. So, the throws of a coin are statistically independent of each other — knowing the outcome of one event does not help us predict the next.
Coin flips, roulette wheels, and so on, are demonstrably independent. Despite already knowing this, most people make a bunch of decisions that show this knowledge doesn’t always affect their actions. Here are some examples:
Gamblers’ fallacy
The Gamblers’ Fallacy is most easily seen on things like a roulette wheel. Imagine you’re at a casino, and see this sequence:
Red Red Black Red Black Black Black Black
In order to maximise your chances of winning, would you bet on red next time? Or on black? Or does it not matter?
Most people say ‘red’. This is the only wrong answer! There are two possible, rational, answers. The first is that, if you know the wheel to be unbiased, then it doesn’t matter which one you bet on, you’re as equally likely to win either way. The second is that, from the sample above, it looks like ‘black’ is more frequent than ‘red’, so you should bet on black.
Hot-hand fallacy
Imagine you’re playing basketball, and have observed two players on your team, and their recent shots:
Player A: Score Score Miss Miss
Player B: Miss Miss Score Score
Both players are now near the hoop, which one should you pass to? Player A? Player B? Or does it not matter?
The most common answer is that you should pass to Player B, as she’s on a winning streak at the moment. This is the answer given by sports commentators and by expert players (they say that the player has “hot hands”).
Interestingly, it turns out that shots in professional-level basketball are independent events (Gilovich, Vallone & Tversky, 1985). So it doesn’t matter which person you throw to. Also interesting is the fact that Hot Hand and Gamblers’ Fallacy are opposite beliefs about independent events. One theory is that people tend to make hot-hand type fallacies if the event involves things that can be considered to be animate (like people), but gamblers’-type fallacies for things that are inanimate (like Roulette wheels).
Conjunction Rule
We discussed the imaginary case study of Linda. It’s quite famous, but rather antiquated these days. In the lecture, I updated it a little, but here’s the original version:
“Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student, she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimination and social justice, and also participated in anti-nuclear demonstrations”
You then considered which of these two statements was more likely to be true: (a) “Linda is a shop assistant”, (b) “Linda is a feminist shop assistant”. Most people say Option B is more likely. This cannot be true, because the probability of two events both happening can NEVER be higher than the probability of just one happening. This is known as the conjunction rule. The conjunction rule says that the probability of two independent events both occurring is the product of their individual probabilities.
For example, imagine tossing a coin twice. On each occasion, the probability of it coming up ‘heads’ is 0.5. So, the probability of getting two heads from two throws is 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25.
Applying this to the Linda case study, let’s say it’s quite unlikely Linda is a shop assistant (e.g. P = .05). Let’s also say it’s quite likely that she is a feminist (e.g. P = .95). By the conjunction rule, the probability Linda is a feminist shop assistant is .95 x .05 = .0475. This is lower than .05 (the probability that she is a shop assistant).
Shared birthdays
Another example of errors concerning probability judgements is the shared birthdays problem. The question is: “In a class of 30 children, what’s the probability that there is a shared birthday in the class?” You can assume birthdays are independent events, and that every date of birth is equally likely.
To make the question a bit easier, I asked you to decide whether it was more likely there was at least one shared birthday, or that there were no shared birthdays, in the class.
Most people say it’s more likely there are no shared birthdays. This is wrong. The main reason people get it wrong, I think, is that they underestimate how many pairs of people there are in a group of people. As you were taught in high school, the number of pairs in a group is n(n-1)/2, where n is the size of the group. So, in a group of 5 people, there are 10 pairs. However, this number goes up very quickly. In a group of 10 people, there are 45 pairs. In a group of 20, there are 190 pairs. In a class of 30 children, there are 435 pairs of children!
Applying this to our birthday example, there are of course 365 days in the year (let’s ignore Feb 29th). So, the chance of any one pair of kids sharing a birthday is 1/365 = .003. To put that another, more useful, way, the probability they don’t share a birthday is 1-.003 = .997.
The only way there can be no shared birthdays in the class is if no pair of children share a birthday. We already saw (above) that there are 435 pairs of children in a class of 30. So, under the conjunction rule the probability of none of them sharing a birthday is $.997^{435}$ = .17. So, the probability of at least one shared birthday is 1 - .17 = .83. So, it’s much more likely there is a shared birthday than there isn’t.
Sally Clark
We are now ready to return to the case of Sally Clark. This is what Roy Meadows argued:
Chances of a randomly chosen baby dying of cot death are 1 in 1303, p = .0008.
If the family is affluent, and the mother is over 26, then the chances are even lower; 1 in 8500, p = .0001.
Through the conjunction rule, the probability of two cot deaths in the same family is .0001 x .0001 = $1 x 10^{-8}$ = 1 in 73 million, or less than once a century in the UK.
Therefore, the idea that these deaths were by natural causes can be ruled out beyond reasonable doubt.
Prof. Meadow’s error was assuming that two cot deaths in the same family were independent events. This is extremely unlikely (shared environment, shared genetics).
Key ideas in risk and probability
This lecture covered quite a lot of ground. Here are the key points for your future life:
Two events both happening can never be more likely than one of them happening (Linda example)
The likelihood of a set of independent events all happening is the product of their indvidual probabilities.
If a lot of independent events all have to happen, this is quite unlikely, even if each event is individually very likely (e.g. all birthdays being non-shared in a class of 30).
The number of pairs in a large group is much bigger than you think it is. Failing to work out the number of pairs in a group can often lead us to make incorrect predictions about large groups.
Events are not always independent (e.g. the death of Sally Clarke’s two children)