Evaluating experiments check-list
- 1. What is the hypothesis?
Score for clarity of hypothesis (0-2):
- 2. Is the hypothesis directional?
Score (no: 0, yes: 1):
- 3. Is the study employing Strong Inference?
Score (no: 0, yes: 1):
- 4. What are the two conditions?
Score for clarity (0-2):
- 5. What is intended to vary between the conditions?
Score for clarity of the intended independent variable (0-2):
6. What else is varying between conditions?
7. Which if any of these are potentially a confounding variable, given the hypothesis?
Score for level of control of confounding variables (0-2):
8. How many people per condition?
9. What is measured?
10. How is this scored?
11. Have they controlled for pre-existing differences? (Detection, matching, large-group randomization)
Score for level of control of pre-existing differences (0-2):
- 12. Is there a substantial issue with attrition?
Score for attrition (0 = serious issues, 2 = no issues, 0-2) : 2
- 13. Have they controlled for participant effects? (e.g. by blinding)
Control for participant effects (0-2):
- 14. Have they controlled for experimenter effects? (e.g. blind scoring, pre-registration)
Score for experimenter effects (0-2):
TOTAL SCORE: (out of 18).