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A set of lectures on the basics of thinking critically, applied to the study of psychology as a science. In recent years, the material has expanded to include things that complement the RMINR materials.

TA support for PSYC411 workshops in Week 3

Where, when, what?

Where: Link 301

When: See central timetabling for your times.

What: Three two-hour workshops, on basic concepts in statistics and on how to use RStudio.


It seems unlikely we would find a time where all of us are free at the same time for a pre-meeting. So, instead, please spend your prep time looking through the materials for the workshops you will be supporting, links provided below. If you have questions, make an office hour appointment to discuss them with me. If you are able to come see me in groups larger than one to ask these questions, so much the better :-)


For those of you who supported these workshops in 2018, 2019, 2021 or 29022, they’re basically the same, with some minor tweaks. (If you only supported in 2020 - it’s basically the same material, but the ordering is different and a few things are more physical).

For all of you, here’s all the materials we’ll use this year:

Workshop 1

Note: RStudio server was updated over the summer and is called ‘posit workbench’. Otheriwse largely unchanged. Students log in using the same username and password as they use for everything else (e.g. their email, the DLE…). If their login fails, you have to refer them to the Psychology Tech Office, we cannot fix this “in class”.

Workshop 2

Workshop 3