A collection of chapters based on a symposium I organised at the Experimental Psychology Society conference in Exeter, in Spring 2003.
List of chapters (with links to the full-text of chapters for which I am an author; for other chapters, please approach the relevant authors).
Association and cognition. A. J. Wills.
Mental models of causation: A comparative view. A. G. Baker, Robin Murphy, Rick Mehta, Irina Baetu
On the role of controlled cognitive processes in human associative learning. Jan De Houwer, Stefaan Vandorpe, and Tom Beckers.
Assessing (in)sensitivity to causal asymmetry: A matter of degree. Jason M. Tangen, Lorraine G. Allan, and Hedyeh Sadeghi.
Connectionist models of human associative learning. A. J. Wills.
Integrating associative models of supervised and unsupervised categorization. Jan Zwickel and A. J. Wills
The role of associative history in human causal learning. M. E. Le Pelley and I. P. L. McLaren.
Elemental representation and associability: An integrated model. Mark Suret and I. P. L. McLaren.
Applications and extensions. A. J. Wills.
Signal-outcome contingency, contiguity, and the depressive realism effect. Robin A. Murphy, Frederic Vallee-Tourangeau, Rachel Msetfi, and Andy G. Baker.
Learning to like (or dislike): Associative learning of preferences. Andy P. Field.