This is an advanced worksheet, which assumes you have completed the Absolute Beginners’ Guide to R course, the Research Methods in Practice (Quantitative section) course, and the Intermediate Guide to R course.
This worksheet describes a full analysis pipeline for an undergraduate student dissertation on the Perruchet Effect. The experiment was basically identical to the experiment described by McAndrew et al. (2012), except that the electric shock was replaced by a loud unpleasant noise (a metal garden fork scraping across slate). For details of the procedure, see the McAndrew paper, but here’s a very brief summary:
This was a conditioning experiment. A shape (brown cylinder, known as a conditioned stimulus, or ‘CS’) appears on the screen for 8 seconds. On 50% of occasions, this is then followed by the unpleasant noise (the unconditioned stimulus or ‘US’). The participant’s reaction to each CS is measured in two ways:
While the CS is on the screen, they are asked to rate their expectancy of the US on each trial, using a numerical scale. Higher ratings indicate greater conscious expectation of the unpleasant noise.
Throughout the experiment, their Galvanic Skin Response, a.k.a. electrodermal activity is measured. This is a measure of physiological arousal, greater numbers mean more arousal. Higher arousal is interpreted as greater unconscious expectancy of the unpleasant noise.
So, we have two dependent variables - expectancy ratings, and GSR. There is also one independent variable - “run length”. This relates to how many trials in a row you have experienced the unpleasant noise. For example, a “+3” trial means you have experienced the noise three times in a row; a “-2” trial means you have experienced the absence of the noise two trials in a row. The run lengths in this experiment range from -3 to +3.
There are two predictions. The first prediction is that the GSR will increase with run length, because the unconscious association between the shape and the noise will grow with repeated pairings. The second prediction is that the conscious expectancies will do the opposite - they will decrease with run length. This is known as Gamblers’ Fallacy - in this case, the belief that, even though the sequence is random, a run of unpleasant noises means the next trial is more likely to be silent. This result is often taken to be one of the strongest pieces of evidence for a dual-process theory of learning, i.e. that we have unconscious and conscious learning processes that act somewhat independently of each other. This is because it can be hard to see how a single learning process could believe two things at the same time e.g. that on the +3 trials, it was simultaneously most and least likely that an unpleasant noise would occur.
A basic principle of open science is that you publicly share your raw data (in anonymized form). Many psychologists, including the ones who ran this study, choose the OSF website to do this. So, the first thing you need to do is download the data from OSF. Of course, there’s an R package for that (osfr
So, first, create a new project in R.
Next, create a new, empty R script and save it as perruchet.R
. Put all the commands from this worksheet into perruchet.R
, and run them from there. Save your script regularly.
Now, download data from OSF into your R project using the following commands.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Load data from OSF (commands only need to be run once)
proj <- osf_retrieve_node("r7axw")
files <- osf_ls_files(proj)
osf_download(files, conflicts = "skip")
The first line is a comment. These are ignored by R, but make your script easier for humans to read. In this case, the comment reminds the human reader that you only need to download the data from OSF once.
The second line loads the osfr
The third line asks the OSF website for the information it needs to download the data. To do this, we need the last part of the web address. This repository is at, so we need to use r7axw
The fourth line gets a list of the files in the repository, much as we did for local files in Preprocessing data from experiments.
The final file actually downloads those files to your R project. In this case, you’ll find that you now have a directory called data
, which contains those files. The component conflicts = "skip"
means that, if these files are already in your project, you should not overwrite them, but leave them as they are.
You can ignore the file MAIN.csv
, which we’re not going to use. The first file you should open is
. A codebook is a file that explains what each of the columns in a data files means. Read the codebook and, while you’re reading through, look at the data file it is talking about, DATA.csv
. It is this file on which all the following analysis is based.
As with any analysis, the first step is to load the data into R.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Load packages, data. Rename data frame columns
raw <- read_csv("data/DATA.csv")
colnames(raw) <- c("subj", "time", "key", "value")
The second and third lines should be familiar from previous worksheets; we nearly always need the tidyverse
package, and we use the read_csv
command to load the data. The data/
part of the filename data/DATA.csv
says that the file DATA.csv
is to be found in the directory (folder) called data
The final line renames the columns, as covered in the Preprocessing data from experiments worksheet. I didn’t like the names of the columns very much so I changed them to something more comprehensible and quicker to type, using the colnames
We’re now going to get the data into a state where we can meaningfully analyse it. The following commands were fully explained in the data preprocessing for experiments worksheet.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## De-duplicate data; remove pilot study
raw <- distinct(raw)
raw <- raw %>% filter(subj > 161)
Participants in this experiment were told to rate their expectancy of the US during the CS, on every trial. However, they only had 8 seconds to do this, and the experimenters noticed that sometimes people failed to make a rating. The experimental apparatus records this as a rating of zero.
Participants who miss a lot of ratings aren’t really following the instructions, making their data hard to interpret. In such cases, we normally exclude those participants from further analysis. The following commands were fully explained in the data preprocessing for experiments worksheet.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Number of expectancy ratings, by participant
inspect <- raw %>% filter(key == "ER") %>% filter(value == 0)
163 164 166 176 184 188 191 196 199 202 223 233 235 236 239 246
1 19 46 16 2 3 2 1 32 3 3 1 3 9 34 1
## Exclude participants
exclude <- c(164, 166, 176, 199, 236, 239)
raw <- raw %>% filter(!(subj %in% exclude))
There are still a few trials where the participant makes no expectancy rating, and the computer records this as an expectancy of zero. There’s a good case to be made for recoding the rating on those trials as either NA
(meaning ‘missing data’) or 3
, meaning “participant is unsure whether the noise will occur”. For brevity, we don’t make these changes here, but once you’ve gone through the whole worksheet, perhaps try to work out how one might do this.
The GSR data from this experiment is very rich, with a skin conductance measure taken from each participant approximately twenty times a second throughout the whole 30-40 minutes of the experiment. To ‘get a feel’ for these data, and also to check that the equipment was working properly, we need to plot that GSR as a graph, with time on the x-axis and GSR on the y-axis. We’ll need to do this one participant at a time, otherwise the graph will be really hard to read.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## GSR plot
dat <- raw %>% filter(subj == 168)
gsr <- dat %>% filter(key == "GS")
gplot <- gsr %>% ggplot(aes(x=time, y=value)) + geom_line()
The second line should be familiar, we’ve filtered the data to include just one participant (168).
The third line is also a simple filter operation - we’re keeping just those rows where the key
column says GS
. From
, we can see that this means the rows of the data file that contain GSR readings.
The fourth line should also be pretty familiar, we’re just doing a standard line graph, as we previously covered in, for example, the Understanding Interactions worksheet. In this case, we save the line plot in an object called gplot
, and then show the graph by typing gplot
as the last command. We do it this way so we can add other things to the graph later.
We can see the GSR going up and down over time. Why is it doing that? Our assumption is that this is people reacting to the CS (cylinder), which is sometimes followed by the US (noise). We can check this by adding a vertical line to the graph for the time each CS occurs.
We can add CS onset times like this; enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Add CS onset times to graph
cs <- dat %>% filter(key == "CO")
gplot <- gplot + geom_vline(data=cs, mapping=aes(xintercept=time),
The second line should be familiar - we are selecting those rows of the data that contain the key CO
, which
tells us are the timings of the CS onsets.
We’ve also come across geom_vline
before, as part of the Putting R to work worksheet - it just plots a vertical line at a place we ask it to. The new part of this command is data=cs, mapping=aes(xintercept=time)
. Previously, we’ve just told R manually where we want the line (e.g. xintercept = 4.35
). Now, we’re telling it that we want a bunch of lines, that the data
for the position of those lines is to be found in cs
data frame, and that the time
column of that data frame should be used to find them.
Here, we’re adding the vertical lines to the plot we’ve already made gplot <- gplot + geom_vline...
, and then showing the updated graph, gplot
There appears to be a missing blue line in the middle. Actually, there isn’t, it’s just that the participant was given a break half way through the experiment, so there wasn’t a CS for a while. What we can also see, however, is that the GSR seems to go up each time there’s a CS, and then go back down again. Sometimes that’s quite a big rise, and sometimes, less big. If the experiment worked out as we expected, then the size of the GSR reaction will depend on the run length. We’ll look at this later on, but first we need to do some preprocessing.
One problem with GSR data (and much other neuroscience data, e.g. EEG, fMRI) is that it’s both highly variable (“noisy”), and changes systematically over time (“drift”). By ‘noisy’, we mean that, for a given event in the world, the GSR response to that event varies quite a lot, even if the event itself is objectively identical. In order to deal with this noise, we average the participant’s GSR over several trials, and so get a sense of what their typical response is.
By ‘drift’, we mean that these differences across trials are not random, they are affected by systematic changes in the participant over time. For example, as they hear more and more unpleasant noises, perhaps the noise becomes less unpleasant to them (“habituation”), and so their GSR reaction late in the experiment might be smaller than their GSR reaction early in the experiment. Another example – once someone’s GSR goes up, it can take quite a lot of time to go back down again (“return to baseline”). In this experiment, we waited a long time between trials, the inter-trial interval was around 30 seconds. However, this is often not enough, and we find that sometimes their GSR has not returned to baseline by the time the next CS appears.
The combination of noise and drift means that, not only do we need to average across a lot of trials, we also need to try and make those trials more comparable to each other before we average them. The process we use to do that here is baseline correction. This is simply a subtraction. We calculate the average GSR response in the 500 ms before the CS arrives (the baseline), and then we subtract that baseline from all the GSR readings while the CS is present.
Let’s illustrate this with a single trial from participant 168. For no particular reason, let’s take trial 10.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Plot a single trial
onset <- cs$time[10]
full <- gsr %>% filter(time >= onset - 500 & time <= onset + 8000)
full %>% ggplot(aes(x=time, y=value)) + geom_line()
Line 2 - In order to find a single trial, we need to know at what time the CS began on that trial. We already have those CS onset times from doing the last graph, so we just ask R for the 10
th row of the time
column of that cs
data frame - cs$time[10]
- and record it as onset
(with onset <-
Line 3 - Now we know where the CS starts, we need to take all the GSR readings from 500 ms before that (our baseline), up to 8000 ms after that (when the CS ends). We use the now-familiar filter
command to do this.
Line 4 - Just a plain old line graph.
What we see in the graph is just a ‘zoomed in’ part of the previous graph - for the 10th trial, 500 ms before the CS onset to 8000ms after the CS onset. The x-axis has large numbers because time is counted from the start of the experiment, in milliseconds. The line looks a bit ‘jagged’ because the equipment is has limited accuracy in measuring GSR.
Now, we need to do two things.
First, we need to apply the baseline correction to these data. In other words, we work out the average GSR in the 500ms before the CS arrives; we then subtract that average from every data point, so the first 500 ms of the graph will always be around zero.
Second, we’re going to need to average all these trials, so we need the x-axis to be the same for all of them. To do this, we subtract the onset time from all the values on the x-axis, meaning we end up with data that goes from -500 ms to +8000 ms.
We can do all this in four lines of code, plus one to plot the new graph.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Basline correct that trial, and replot
precs <- gsr %>% filter(time >= onset - 500 & time < onset)
correct <- mean(precs$value)
full <- full %>% mutate(cval = value - correct)
full <- full %>% mutate(rtime = time - onset)
full %>% ggplot(aes(x=rtime, y=cval)) + geom_line()
Line 2 - Use filter
to select the GSR values for the baseline period i.e. 500ms before the CS onset until the CS onset, and put them in a dataframe called precs
Line 3 - Calculate the mean of the GSR values in this pre-CS period (precs$value
) and store it in correct
Line 4 - Using the command mutate
, we create a new column in the full
data frame called cval
(for “corrected value”). This column contains the numbers in the value
column, minus the baseline correction we’ve just calculated (correct
). The name mutate
is perhaps a bit odd, but “mutate” is just another word for “change” (over and above it’s other biological, and sci-fi connotations…). So, mutate
here just means create a new column by changing an existing one.
Line 5 - Using mutate
again, we create another column called rtime
(for “relative time”). This is just the actual time, minus the time the CS arrived. So, the CS arrival time will always be zero.
Line 6 - Just another line graph
In principle, we could do this baseline correction for each trial of each participant in the same way as the above example. However, this would be really tedious, because there are about 50 participants and 50 trials per participant, so about 2,500 trials in total!
When we want R to do the same thing many times, we can use functions and loops to achieve this. We’ll look at functions first.
Pretty much every command you run in R is a function that someone has written. For example, mean(precs$value
) uses the function mean()
, which is built in to R. The command read_csv
is a function added to R by loading the tidyverse
library. You can also write your own functions. Here’s a function that contains all the commands we used to baseline-correct one trial of participant 168:
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Define function for baseline correction
base.correct <- function(trial) {
onset <- cs$time[trial]
full <- gsr %>% filter(time >= onset - 500 & time <= onset + 8000)
precs <- gsr %>% filter(time >= onset - 500 & time < onset)
correct <- mean(precs$value)
full <- full %>% mutate(cval = value - correct)
full <- full %>% mutate(rtime = time - onset)
full <- full %>% add_column(trial = trial, run = cs$value[trial])
Ignoring the first and the last two lines for a moment, notice that these commands are almost identical to the ones we just used. The only difference is that we’ve changed cs$time[10]
to cs$time[trial]
. So, instead of always looking at trial 10, we look at whatever trial is specified by trial
, and that is set by calling the function. A function doesn’t do anything until we ask it to, by ‘calling’ it. So, for example, we can now look at trial 9 by calling the base.correct
function like this:
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
eg <- base.correct(9)
eg %>% ggplot(aes(x=rtime, y=cval)) + geom_line()
The first and last two lines of the base.correct
code are what makes it a function. The first line tells R to create a function
called base.correct
, and that this function takes an input called trial
. The {
indicates the start of the commands in the function. The }
in the last line of code indicates the end of the set of commands in the function. The penultimate line, return(full)
, means that the function returns the full
data frame it has calculated.
So, when we type eg <- base.correct(9)
, the function we have written does the baseline correction for trial 9, and returns the answers. We put these answers into eg
(using eg <-
), and then plot the graph.
There’s one line of the function we have not yet discussed:
full <- full %>% add_column(trial = trial, run = cs$value[trial])
The key aspect of this command is add_column
which, perhaps unsurprisingly, adds new columns to a data frame. In this case, we are adding two columns to the right hand side of the data frame. These are going to be useful later. The first column contains the trial
number, and the second column contains the run length (-3 to +3, see description of experiment). The run length is recorded along with the CS onset time data, in the value
column (see
) so we read the run length for the current trial using cs$value[trial]
We can now use a loop to run this function for every trial of one participant. We’ve used loops in a similar way before, to combine data files from multiple participants using bind_rows
, see the preprocessing data from experiments worksheet.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Use a loop to baseline correct all 46 trials
onep <- NULL
for(trial in 1:46) {
onep <- bind_rows(onep, base.correct(trial))
The loop runs base.correct(trial)
for each of the 46 trials the participant did, and adds them all to one big data frame called onep
. In more detail:
onep <- NULL
- Set up an empty (NULL
) dataframe to put our results in.
for(trial in 1:46) {
- 1:46
means the whole numbers from 1 to 46. So, the first time we go round this loop, trial
is 1
, the second time it is 2
, and so on. When we get to 46
, the loop runs for the last time.
onep <- bind_rows(onep, ...)
- Bind (attach) some new rows to onep
- The trials to bind are those that come out of base.correct(trial
Let’s take a look at what we’ve generated.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
# A tibble: 7,819 x 8
subj time key value cval rtime trial run
<dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 168 551 GS 2.37 -0.0839 -451 1 0
2 168 602 GS 2.37 -0.0839 -400 1 0
3 168 651 GS 2.46 0.0111 -351 1 0
4 168 702 GS 2.46 0.0111 -300 1 0
5 168 752 GS 2.48 0.0291 -250 1 0
6 168 801 GS 2.48 0.0291 -201 1 0
7 168 851 GS 2.48 0.0291 -151 1 0
8 168 902 GS 2.48 0.0291 -100 1 0
9 168 952 GS 2.48 0.0291 -50 1 0
10 168 1002 GS 2.54 0.0941 0 1 0
# … with 7,809 more rows
The dataframe onep
contains all the GSR data during the CS presentations(and the baseline) for one participant, including columns that record the trial each reading comes from, and the run length of that trial (see experiment description). Each trial is 8.5 seconds of readings at about 20 readings a second and 46 trials, giving us about 7820 readings in total for this participant.
For the purposes of analysis, we need to summarize this data down to just one number per trial, representing how large the GSR was on that trial. There’s a few ways one could do this; here we’re just going to take the average GSR for trial.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Calculate mean GSR for each trial
gsr.sum <- onep %>%
filter(rtime >= 0) %>%
group_by(trial, run) %>%
summarise(cval = mean(cval))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'trial'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 46 x 3
# Groups: trial [46]
trial run cval
<int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0 0.361
2 2 -1 -0.109
3 3 1 0.181
4 4 0 0.125
5 5 -2 0.0404
6 6 1 0.0714
7 7 0 -0.252
8 8 0 0.644
9 9 -3 0.427
10 10 0 0.874
# … with 36 more rows
Line 3 - We remove all GSR recordings from the baseline period (where rtime
is less than zero)
Lines 4-5 - We group the data by trial
and by run
length, and then summarise
this group data by taking the mean corrected value, cval
The data frame onep
contains a GSR for each trial, but there is also an expectancy rating for each trial. It will make it easier to look at these data if we also include these expectancy ratings into onep
. So, using the following commands, we first create a new data frame with the expectancy ratings.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Extract expectancy ratings
expect <- dat %>% filter(key == "ER") %>% add_column(trial = 1:46) %>% select(subj, trial, value)
# A tibble: 46 x 3
subj trial value
<dbl> <int> <dbl>
1 168 1 2
2 168 2 3
3 168 3 3
4 168 4 2
5 168 5 4
6 168 6 4
7 168 7 3
8 168 8 3
9 168 9 4
10 168 10 4
# … with 36 more rows
We take the full data for one participant (dat
) and then filter
it to retain only the rows marked ER
(the expectancy rating rows, see
). We then add a new column (add_column
) that is called trial
and contains the numbers 1 to 46 (1:46
). Finally, we select just the subj
, trial
, and value
columns of that dataframe, and place them into expect
The dataframe expect
contains one row for each trial, and the column value
contains the expectancy rating for that trial.
In the final step of preprocessing this participant, we join the expectancy ratings expect
and the mean GSRs (gsr.sum
) into a single data frame.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Combine GSR and expectancy data <- full_join(gsr.sum, expect, by = "trial")
# A tibble: 46 x 5
# Groups: trial [46]
trial run cval subj value
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0 0.361 168 2
2 2 -1 -0.109 168 3
3 3 1 0.181 168 3
4 4 0 0.125 168 2
5 5 -2 0.0404 168 4
6 6 1 0.0714 168 4
7 7 0 -0.252 168 3
8 8 0 0.644 168 3
9 9 -3 0.427 168 4
10 10 0 0.874 168 4
# … with 36 more rows
We’ve now completed the preprocessing of one participant (168
). In principle, we could go through all the same steps for each of the other approximately 50 participants, but that would be rather tedious. Instead, we can use a loop to automate this for us, as we’ll see in a minute, but first we need to get a list of participant numbers.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Create list of participant numbers
subjs <- enframe(unique(raw$subj))
# A tibble: 43 x 2
name value
<int> <dbl>
1 1 200
2 2 198
3 3 197
4 4 196
5 5 195
6 6 193
7 7 191
8 8 188
9 9 186
10 10 184
# … with 33 more rows
We need a list of the different participant numbers used in this experiment. We can get this using the subj
column of the raw
data, so raw$subj
. The only problem is that each subject number occurs many times (once for each GSR recording, so 20 times a second). We want just one copy of each different subject number. The command unique
does that for us, so the command subjs <- enframe(unique(raw$subj))
gives us the participant numbers (enframe
just means ‘put in a data frame’).
We now use a loop to go through the same set of steps for each participant. This takes a little while to run, because it preprocesses 2,300 trials (46 trials for each of 50 participants).
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Baseline correct all trials for all participants <- NULL
for(this.subj in subjs$value) {
dat <- raw %>% filter(subj == this.subj)
gsr <- dat %>% filter(key == "GS")
cs <- dat %>% filter(key == "CO")
onep <- NULL
for(trial in 1:46) {
onep <- bind_rows(onep, base.correct(trial))
gsr.sum <- onep %>%
filter(rtime >= 0) %>%
group_by(trial, run) %>%
summarise(cval = mean(cval))
expect <- dat %>%
filter(key == "ER") %>%
add_column(trial = 1:46) %>%
select(subj, trial, value) <- full_join(gsr.sum, expect, by = "trial") <- bind_rows(,
# A tibble: 1,978 x 5
# Groups: trial [46]
trial run cval subj value
<int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0 0.334 200 1
2 2 -1 -0.118 200 4
3 3 0 0.173 200 2
4 4 0 0.124 200 4
5 5 3 0.125 200 4
6 6 0 -0.0832 200 2
7 7 0 0.228 200 4
8 8 -3 0.228 200 4
9 9 1 0.0773 200 5
10 10 0 0.789 200 4
# … with 1,968 more rows
Our full set of preprocessed data, one row per participant per trial. We’ll use this in our analyses in the next step.
You can safely ignore everything apart from the first two lines and the last three lines of commands. This is because the bit in the middle is exactly the same commands as we’ve been building up throughout this worksheet. They take one participant, baseline correct all their GSRs, take a mean GSR for each trial, and record that along with the expectancy rating, and information about trial (participant number, trial number, run length).
All of these commands are placed inside a for
loop, which we’ve used before in this worksheet. We use the set of participant numbers (subj$value
) we just collected and use the for loop to set this.subj
to each of these values in turn. All the data is combined together in
, using the bind_rows
command we’ve used before.
There are three further preprocessing steps we have to take before we can analyze these data. First, studies of GSR data normally log transform it before analysis. The following commands were fully explained in the data preprocessing for experiments worksheet.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Log transformation of GSR <- %>% mutate(lcval = log(cval+1))
In our Perruchet Effect experiment, we have runs of various lengths. For example, for something to be a +2
run there must be a sequence of four trials in the following order NSSN
where N means no sound, and S means sound. The third trial in that sequence is a +2 trial, because there have been two sounds in a row, and on the following trial there will not be a sound so the run will end. Importantly, at least the way people normally analyse these data, the second trial in that sequence has no definable run length. One might say it is a +1
trial because, at that point, there has only been one sound in a row. However, the experimenter knows that the run will continue on the next trial, so calling it a +1
trial somehow doesn’t seem quite right (although, from the perspective of the participant, at the time they are reacting to that trial, clearly it is a +1
Normally, these experimenter-ambiguous trials are described as having a zero run length, and are excluded from the analysis. Run length is recorded directly into the data file itself, so we can remove zero run-length trials as follows.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Remove trials where run length is zero <- %>% filter(run != 0)
This is a standard filter
command. The !=
part reads as ‘not equal to’. So, this command keeps all the non-zero run lengths.
Another convention of analyzing Perruchet effect experiments is that you convert run length (-3 to +3) into a dependent variable called “Level”. This involves coding -3
and +1
as Level 1, -2
and +2
as Level 2, and -1
and +3
as Level 3. If GSR rises from -3 to +3 run lengths, it will also rise from Level 1 to Level 3. Equally, if GSR drops from -3 to +3, it will also drop from Level 1 to Level 3. The reasons for recoding the dependent variable in this way are not straight forward, and are a matter of some debate. Nonetheless, as this experiment is essentially an attempt to replicate McAndrew et al.’s paper with an unpleasant noise, we chose to use the same analyses they did, and that involves recoding the run length as Level.
We covered recoding data in the Cleaning up questionnaire data part of Research Methods in Practice (Quantitative Section). To recode some data, we need to take two steps. First, we define the mapping - so, for each run length, what Level is that? We do this as follows.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Define mapping of run length to Levels
level.code <- c(`-3` = 1, `-2` = 2, `-1` = 3, `1` = 1, `2` = 2, `3` = 3)
So, for example, a run length of -2
becomes a Level of 2
Once we have our mapping, we can use it, via mutate
to create a new column called level
. We use the recode
command to do this, converting the column run
using the mapping level.code
we’ve just written. The !!!
part probably isn’t worth spending the time to understand deeply, but if you’d like to dig deeper, see the explanation in Research Methods in Practice (Quantitative Section).
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Recode run length as Levels <- %>% mutate(level = recode(run, !!!level.code))
Finally, we create a new participant-level summary of our data, using level
(rather than run
, as
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Summarize GSR and expectancy, by Level, for each participant
lvl.sum <- %>%
group_by(subj, level) %>%
summarise(lcval = mean(lcval), expect = mean(value))
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'subj'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
The preprocessing is done! As a first, quick test of our hypotheses, we can just take a peek at the mean GSR and expectancy rating, across all participants, for each Level. We use the familiar group_by
and summarise
commands to do this.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Overall mean GSR and expectancy, by Level
mdata <- lvl.sum %>% group_by(level) %>% summarise(lcval = mean(lcval), expect = mean(expect))
# A tibble: 3 x 3
level lcval expect
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0.0527 3.64
2 2 0.0383 3.18
3 3 0.0203 2.81
From these results, we can see that expectancy reduces with Level, as expected. Somewhat surprisingly, the GSR (lcval
) shows the same trend, GSR reduces with increased Level. This is opposite to what McAndrew et al. reported in their experiment. Below, we’ll investigate further, first using graphs and then using linear regression.
The simplest graph we could produce here would be to just plot the three means reported above, but this wouldn’t really add anything to what we’ve already done; the trend is clear just from the three numbers. Instead, we did the following.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
From this plot, it’s clear that: (a) the overall trend is downwards, (b) most but not all participants individually show this trend, and (c) there is some variation in the absolute ratings people use.
A full explanation of how we built this graph can be found in the better graphs worksheet.
We can now follow exactly the same procedure to produce a second graph, for GSR.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
### Plot GSR by Level
lns <- geom_line(aes(x=level, y=lcval, group=subj, colour=subj), data = lvl.sum, alpha = .25)
mline <- geom_line(aes(x=level, y=lcval), data = mdata, colour="black")
mdot <- geom_point(aes(x=level, y=lcval), data = mdata, colour="black")
base + lns + mline + mdot + xlab("Level") +
ylab("Mean log GSR (uS)") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1,2,3)) + theme_APA() +
We can see from this plot that the GSR data is a lot more variable than the expectancy data, and that the downward trend is less obvious at the level of individual participants - many participants show either largely flat lines, or lines that clearly do not show an overall downward trend.
In the within-subject differences worksheet you learned how to apply a Bayesian ANOVA to data from within-subjects manipulations, and in the Research Methods in Practice (Quantitative Section) course, you learned how to apply a Bayesian linear regression to a set of between-subjects data. To analyze these data, we need to combine those two techniques.
First, some preliminaries.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Load BayesFactor pacakge; define subject as factor
library(BayesFactor, quietly=TRUE)
Attaching package: 'Matrix'
The following objects are masked from 'package:tidyr':
expand, pack, unpack
Welcome to BayesFactor 0.9.12-4.2. If you have questions, please contact Richard Morey (
Type BFManual() to open the manual.
lvl.sum$subj <- factor(lvl.sum$subj)
In line 2, we load the BayesFactor
package, which we use to do Bayesian ANOVAs and regressions. In line 3, we set the participant numbers as factors, for the reasons discussed in the within-subject differences worksheet. Note that we don’t set the Level column of lvl.sum
as a factor, because the our three Levels are ordered - 1, 2, 3.
The first step in our analysis is identical to a Bayesian ANOVA, except we use the command lmBF
instead of anovaBF
. Note that, just like in anovaBF
, we need to tell R that these data come from many different participants, hence the + subj
and whichRandom = "subj"
parts of the command.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Bayesian regression model on GSR, by Level
g.level <- lmBF(lcval ~ level + subj, data = data.frame(lvl.sum), whichRandom = "subj")
Bayes factor analysis
[1] level + subj : 67327943 ±0.72%
Against denominator:
Intercept only
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS
Looking at this output, it is tempting to see the Bayes Factor of around 35 million as overwhelming support for the hypothesis that GSR decreases with Level. This would be a mis-interpretation of this output. Recall that a Bayes Factor is always a comparison of two hypotheses - this means you always have to look closely at what the null hypothesis was. The null hypothesis is shown here under Against denominator
, and it’s the hypothesis that literally nothing is going on. Specifically, the hypothesis is not only that Level has no effect on GSR (level
) but also that there are no individual differences (i.e. that subj
has no effect).
It’s pretty self-evident from the graphs that there are some individual differences. More critically, if we want evidence that it is specifically the Level that affects GSR, over and above individual differences, then we need to compare our experimental hypothesis (lcval ~ level + subj
) with the alternative hypothesis that there are just individual differences (lcval ~ subj
). We do this in much the same way that we test for an interaction in a Bayesian ANOVA.
More specifically, we create a model in which only individual differences affect the GSR…
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Individual differences baseline model
g.subj <- lmBF(lcval ~ subj, data = data.frame(lvl.sum), whichRandom = "subj")
…and then we compare the two models by dividing one by the other:
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Bayes Factor for GSR, by Level
g.level / g.subj
Bayes factor analysis
[1] level + subj : 1.894429 ±0.72%
Against denominator:
lcval ~ subj
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS
From the output, we can see that the relevant Bayes Factor is around 1.9. So, there is some evidence for the hypothesis that GSR drops with Level in our experiment, but that evidence is quite weak (BF < 3).
We can now follow the same procedure for the expectancy ratings.
Enter these commands into your script, and run them:
## Bayes Factor for expectancy, by Level
e.level <- lmBF(expect ~ level + subj, data = data.frame(lvl.sum), whichRandom = "subj")
e.subj <- lmBF(expect ~ subj, data = data.frame(lvl.sum), whichRandom = "subj")
e.level / e.subj
Bayes factor analysis
[1] level + subj : 269096118 ±2.05%
Against denominator:
expect ~ subj
Bayes factor type: BFlinearModel, JZS
The Bayesian evidence for the hypothesis that expectancy reduces with Level (“gamblers’ fallacy”) is overwhelming, with a Bayes Factor of around 260 million!